1st Seminar on Materials and Industrial Innovation (SM2I-1)
15-16 March 2023 Casablanca (Morocco)


The organizing committee informs SM2I participants that the papers that are accepted by the scientific committee will be published in MaterialsToday: ProceediIngs (indexed SCOPUS).

FullPaper submission deadline : March 2, 2023

Materials Today : Proceedings Template



Online registration and Abstract submission deadline is (December 15, 2022 at 23:59:59 GMT/UTC)



Face to technological innovations, characterized by the fusion of the virtual world and the real world, the industry is in a phase of change and innovation which is mainly linked to materials. Indeed, materials are the basis of the technological revolution and advanced manufacturing systems that allow industries to reposition themselves at the heart of new economic challenges.

In this context, the Moroccan Association of Materials Science (MAMS) and the Thematic Research Center "Materials and Energy" (CTR-M&E) of the Hassan II University of Casablanca (UH2C) are organizing the first Seminar on Materials and Industrial Innovation (SM2I-1)

The main objectives of this seminar are:

  • Provide spaces for exchange between academics and industrialists on scientific and technological advances in the field of materials;
  • Present and discuss recent results of scientific research on materials and their applications;
  • Give doctoral students and young doctors the opportunity to promote their research work
  • Set up a training, support, monitoring and advice plan for our doctoral students and young doctors in materials science;
  • Strengthen existing partnerships and establish new university/business collaborations.

This first edition, SM2I-1 will be organized around the theme: Materials for Energy and Transport




Are you interested in submitting your abstract to SM2I-1?

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to submit:

1) Identify which conference theme you would like to submit an abstract for.

    Find the full list of all SM2I-1 themes here.

2) Download the abstract template.

3) Prepare your abstract according to the abstract template.

4) Submit your abstract via the abstract submission system.


For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and email us at mams.sm2i@gmail.com

Please note: Abstracts can only be submitted via the online abstract submission system, Abstracts submitted via email can not be accpeted.




Bibliothèque universitaire Mohammed Sekkat, Km 7, N1,  Route d'El Jadida, Casablanca

click here for maps




Download the Conference Flyer Here



  • Registrations on the SM2I-1 2023  website are mandatory for any submission


  • Fill out the online submission form.
  • Submit the communication file online.







Download the Tourstic Guide here


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